Why is the lab analog for the digital and conventional impression different?

Why is the lab analog for the digital and conventional impression different?

Editor note: Aside from the initial question, on the general subject of digital impressions, we also are interested in comments on your experience vis a vis accuracy. See: Digital Impressions in Implant Dentistry: A Literature Review, The accuracy of digital impressions in implant dentistry depends on several aspects. The depth/angulation of the implant, the experience of the operator, the intra-oral scanner used, and environmental conditions may influence the accuracy of digital impressions in implant dentistry.

Phil comments:

Interesting question. Waiting for some expert comments

Sebastian Ercus comments:

For accuracy when used with the resin printed models . Analogs have a different shape and even a double lock system like the ones from elos. Getting out of the digital to the physical world in order to finish up restaurations could add errors to the process. So , as much as precise one could be , better and more accurate the final outcome .

BroMike BroMike comments:

Do most implant manufacturers have their own lab analogs for digital impressions?