How do I remove a cemented abutment from an implant?

I have a patient who presents with an implant installed 22 years prior. Â I removed the crown and abutment screw but I was not able to remove the abutment itself. Â I need to remake the crown and I would like to remake the abutment. The dentist who torqued down the abutment informed me that when he did the final torquing down of the abutment, he coated the threads with some kind of cement. Â If I cannot de-torque the abutment out of the implant, is there some way that I can still restore this implant without removing and replacing it? Â Is there some way that I could still maintain this abutment and make a new crown on it? Â Do you have any recommendations?

10 Comments on How do I remove a cemented abutment from an implant?

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Dr. Ben
If there is no problem with the abutment, you can make a conventional C&B impression, dealing with this abutment as a conventional prep, (Refine the abutment if needed) Thanks for sharing your case
peter Fairbairn
As Dr Ben suggested just prep and impression like C and B. BUt does it have a thread and screwed in possibly with Technolock adhesive or was it a true cementable abutment . If it is I had more issues getting them to stay in !! Peter
ben manzoor
Just to add remember to tuck retraction cord if you are in aesthetic zone or margins of abutment are subgingival.
Carlos Boudet, DDS
From the information you have provided, I believe you have removed the crown from the abutment and the abutment screw and have tried to remove the abutment but cannot. I assume it is a cemented crown. If it is, and the abutment is adequate, you did not have to remove the screw or the abutment, just refine the existing abutment margins and take a standard crown and bridge impression keeping the margins about .5 to 1 mm subgingival in the anterior section and remove all excess cement to prevent periodontal problems. A picture tells a thousand words. Try posting a picture next time and I assure you that you will get better and more specific information about your case. Good luck!
mjohnson dds, ms
IF the implant is a Zimmer (corevent/paragon/dentsply) implant, the abutment wedges into the implant. There is a removal screw that threads into the abutment and bottoms out inside the implant. When you keep torquing the screw it lifts the abutment out. Hopefully your patient has this implant!
Seth rosen
There is a new widget called the safe relax crown and bridge remover. I've used it a half dozen times successfully.
Uli Friess
How did you remove the crown?Was it a ceramic crown with a metal core?If the metall core of the crown is still intact,you can use it again. By the way:I`m from Germany,there is a tool here called "Coronaflex" made by KAVO,with that tool you can get almost every crown or bridge off,without destroying neither crown nor teeth.
Dr. Joe Jaws
What is the rush to remove the abutment? Do what the other fellows suggest.However if your situation grants the removal, use the a cavitron at the lowest vibration setting and your abutment will get loose, even if it has a secondary screw.Good luck.
Dr.Katta Sridhar Chowdary
Hello! Show OPG and IOPA.
Dr. Sadr, Jalil
I would agree with three first comments. If you are not able to remove abutment why you try hard and you may damage the fixture. leave it alone do conventional procedure like you have a post - core . if it is possible and needed correct abutment preparation(parreal walls)and make impression and go on. in case you could not touch abutment make a thin telescopic crown over abutment with parallelExternal wall and then make a crown over it. Why you did not attached even one PA rediograph and picture ? even you did not tell what area and tooth is it? you need provide better description and report to get better comment. I would like to hear the result or your respond. Good luck

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