Restorative Choices for Dental Implants

When it comes to restoring anterior teeth, all porcelain restorations create a beautiful restoration. However, the restorations of dental implants in the maxillary anterior aesthetic zone create a particular challenge because of tissue management. Adequate papillae height is crucial to create an aesthetic smile line.

For dental implant cases treated a decade ago, when a metal abutment was torqued into the dental implant fixture and a metal ceramic crown was screwed into the abutment, aesthetics were compromised. The real question now is should we go back and retreat these cases using newer materials. I have found that changing the metal ceramic crown to a Captec crown has created a far more aesthetic effect. Better still would be to remake the abutment, as well, using a new and more aesthetic abutment. How are you managing these type of situations? Are you retreating these cases? Feel free to add your comments below.

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